

ARI - Residence Permit for Investment Activity
Golden Visa
(after 7th October 2023, Law no. 56/2023 of 6th October)
All third-country nationals who have an investment activity, either in person or through a company incorporated in Portugal or in another EU Member State and with a permanent establishment in Portugal, who meet one of the quantitative requirements and the time requirement provided for in the applicable legislation, may apply for a Residence Permit for Investment Activity (Golden Visa) by means of investment in one of the following possibilities:
1. (revoked).
2. Creation of at least 10 jobs.
3. (revoked).
4. (revoked).
5. Transfer of capital in the amount of EUR 500,000 or more, which is applied in research activities carried out by public or private scientific research institutions, integrated into the national scientific and technological system.
6. Transfer of capital in the amount of EUR 250,000 or more, which is applied in investment or support to artistic production, recovery, or maintenance of national heritage, developed by diverse types of private or public entities acting in those fields.
7. Transfer of capital in the amount of EUR 500,000 or more, intended for the acquisition of shares in non-real estate collective investment bodies, which are constituted under Portuguese law, whose maturity, at the time of investment, is at least five years and at least 60% of the value of investments is made in commercial companies based in national territory.
8. Transfer of capital in the amount of EUR 500,000 or more, intended for the formation of a commercial company established in national territory, combined with the
creation of five permanent jobs, or for the strengthening of the sha
re capital of a commercial company established in national territory, already constituted, with the creation of at least five permanent jobs or the maintenance of at least ten jobs, with a minimum of five permanent jobs, and for a minimum period of three years.
Additional rules:
(A) The amount or minimum quantitative requirement of the investment activity provided for in the modalities referred to in paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 may be lower by 20 % when the activity is carried out in low-density territories.
(B) Investment activities under the modalities referred to in paragraphs 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall be assessed every two years as to their impact on scientific and cultural activity and on the promotion of foreign direct investment and job creation.
(C) Investment activities under the modalities referred to in paragraphs 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 may not be aimed, directly or indirectly, at real estate investment.